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Healing and Inner Balance
The Healing Approach You Need Will Emerge in Each Session.
You Never Have to Decide or "Figure it Out"!
But you can learn more about each challenge and what will help
by clicking on the boxes below.
Recovering Your Life
Healing from Trauma and Chronic Issues
Trauma and PTSD
Trauma that hasn't been fully processed stays stuck in your nervous system and can get in the way of daily life and important goals. Past painful or scary experiences get triggered by things that happen in ways that are out of proportion to what's actually happening right now.
It can even occur at embarrassing times and leave you feeling badly about your reactions and behavior toward people you love. That can be scary and confusing to everyone. Sometimes it might stop you from going places and doing things you really want, but that doesn't have to be the case forever.
You can move toward resolution, healing and peace.
Fatigue, Pain and Illness
Unhealed trauma often is at the root of chronic fatigue, pain and illness. Your nervous system is struggling to clarify the unresolved experiences, and that can gradually develop into migraines, poor posture, chronic illness and fatigue. These states keep you from engaging in life as fully as you want, sadly missing out on fun, important activities and spending time with people you love.
I can help you find the emotional and spiritual roots of your physical discomfort, so you can manage it better and begin to leave it behind!
Health and Well-Being
Our work together can help you become "plugged into" or rooted in your inner source, where the trauma has no power. You might think of this powerful source as your "Soul Self", your "Heart's Wisdom", "the Divine" or simply the "Center of Your Being". Learning to access this inner source in ways that are natural and easy for you, help you to heal and sustain inner balance even in the face of things that might have previously triggered trauma.
You can recover from any sense of loss you've experienced due to the traumatic incidents, and recover your sense of empowerment and self-value.
My combination of guidance and deeply sacred healing helps you to stand more firmly rooted in the clarity, strength and security you need to be fully yourself.
Participants Who Have Experienced
Healing from Trauma,
Chronic Illness and Fatigue
Licensed Massage Therapist and Mom
I have some big triggers and tender places that come up in certain situations, based on some terrifying experiences I had in the past. Amy was so calm and accepting that I knew right away I could trust her.
I can't believe how much my nervous system has calmed down since we started working together! The real key for me is how she stays right with me even when I'm completely stressed. Her presence and voice calm me down.
I tried working with some therapists who tried to "fix things" but didn't seem to really get it. I'd started to wonder if my experiences were too hard for anyone to handle, which made me feel lonely and terribly sad and scared. But Amy just stays present with me and helps me process the emotions and energy. Then the bad parts start to lose their power.
I feel really cared for and safe with Amy. What happened to me wasn't safe and when we walk back through it together, it helps me feel like I wasn't really alone. Now I don't startle as easily and I can breathe again. This has changed so many things for me. I thought I knew how much it was affecting my life, but the difference is even bigger than I ever would have thought!
Retired Business Owner and Grandmother
My house burned down when I was out of town. It was such a shock, and the worst part was feeling I'd lost important parts of my past because memorabilia and pictures of my children and grandchildren were just gone! I got so nervous and worried that I couldn't leave my new home without starting to tremble and struggle to breathe - I was so afraid of losing everything again!
I was worried I'd get hooked if I started taking mood medications, so my doctor suggested I talk to Amy first. She was so compassionate and kind, and really got how deep and pervasive this loss was for me. She said the shock was stuck in my nervous system and we could help it to process through so I could begin to really move on. And she was right! I couldn't believe that I finally came to peace with the loss of items that connected me with beloved people and memories but I did! The separation anxiety has lessened so much. And the things I've learned actually help me to deal with the stress of my job and family problems that have always been here a lot more peacefully - a side effect I didn't anticipate. I really wish I'd found Amy before all this happened, but I'm so grateful I found her finally!
Business Owner and Mom
I was not in a good place when I met Amy. My personal journey of awakening was not as pleasant as the stories I read on the internet. Most of the time, I had no clue what was happening to me or to my highly sensitive child. Once we began working together, I resolved a lot of feelings I had about some bad things that happened when I was a little girl. I'm learning how to listen and respond to what my body tells me, and the migraines are less often and less severe. Most importantly for me, I found answers and PEACE!
Amy is amazing in explaining things. She helps me find answers to all my questions, helps me find clarity and understand my subtle sense gifts. I'm looking forward to each call with Amy! She amazes me every time and I'm forever grateful for the peace and comfort she provides me!
Inner Balance
A Beautiful and Empowered State of Being
Center, Balance, Harmony
Inner balance allows you to feel deeply rooted and centered in your truest self rather than blown about by the whims of your ego self or the expectations of others. You know when you're experiencing more inner balance, because you feel secure and have access to your deeper wisdom even when walking through difficult or stormy times.
Being centered in inner balance helps you feel more supported and beloved exactly as you are in this moment, while still deepening your roots and blossoming into the whole being you're meant to become.
What Gets in the Way of Your Inner Balance?
Your daily activities require your time and energy, and those who matter most to you sometimes require attention and care 24-7. Perhaps you're a working parent, and have a spouse or elderly parents who need your support as well.
It's so easy to feel pulled in many directions, and to become fragmented and lose your emotional balance and resilience. How can you have enough resources for all you care about doing, and all those you love? And when do you receive the essential care you need to stay balanced, healthy and focused?
Finding ways to easily re-connect with your center is essential, and those ways need to fit your lifestyle and personality so they feel simple and accessible wherever you are. Then you feel more available to respond to your tasks and those you care about, without feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted. You're more likely to have resources left to enjoy all the things you want to do!
Family Balance
You can begin to harmonize your family, so sensitivity increases, communication grows clearer and more understanding develops. That may sound like a tall order, yet it can happen step by step through taking a few seconds throughout your day to re-balance and re-center in simple ways that you can do anytime, anywhere. You might be surprised to discover how other areas of life begin to blossom also, almost effortlessly.
I believe in doing things simply in ways that fit your life, so I'll help you plant the seeds easiest and most beneficial for you to begin growing inner balance and sharing it with your family.
Participants Who Have Found Inner Balance
Financial Manager, Wife and Mom
I work in finance where I have to ask people to repay their loans. Sometimes they don't treat me well, and I used to get so upset and drained. It affected everything, especially when I came home to my family.
Lately I've been learning how to connect during the day so I am shaking off that stuff that's not really about me. Then I have more "space inside" to take in good things like a sense of balance, harmony and appreciation. I didn't know I had the power to do all that, regardless of what other people said or did!
Now I don't get so worn out and I'm more even-keeled. When I get home, I have more clarity before I react even when my two year old has a tantrum. That eliminates a lot of the daily stress and exhaustion I felt before. My blood pressure dropped too and I've spontaneously started to lose some weight.
My doctor is happy, and my husband told me to keep working with Amy because he's so happy to have his wife back!
Business Owner, Hair Stylist and Mom
I used to get so exhausted and drained at work, especially after the cancer diagnosis. Amy introduced me to some easy practices I could do anytime even while working, that helped me maintain a sense of well-being and energy.
That made a huge difference in my recovery process.
Caroline - Chiropractor
Everybody was talking about "the big election" and all that angry arguing was really getting to me. There was an earthquake, a war and other natural disasters at the same time. I felt battered by it all.
The more out of balance I got the less energy I had to focus on anything outside the basics, even though I really wanted to do something meaningful. My life felt smaller and smaller, yet I felt more and more overwhelmed and exhausted. I started to feel depressed, and then sick.
My doctor recommended I talk with Amy. She "got me" right away. She explained that I was experiencing "second-hand trauma" through witnessing so much pain and violent energy. As an empath, that has an especially big impact on me. We did some healing (which was really relaxing) and then investigated how I can protect my sensitive nervous system so I'm not overwhelmed and having to shut down. Now I'm able to recognize when my system is strong and protected and when I need recovery and nourishment. I'm also learning how to use my gifts to have a real impact on things I felt completely powerless about before, and I feel so much better about that! I used to feel bad about being so sensitive but now I realize that's a gift which has a purpose and I can serve that purpose without harming myself. What a huge shift this is making in my life!What does Light Emerging Mean?
"Knowledge is of use only when it brings a profound change in yourself."
What is Meant by Light Emerging?
Who You Really Are
When we resolve patterns that have become part of ourselves but no longer serve, then our own individual Divine Self becomes less occluded and shines through beautifully. This clear Presence brings with it a sense of trust and security, and access to deep wisdom and empowerment. You begin to naturally attract people and situations that resonate with your deepest longings.
Like a fingerprint, you're the only one who can bring your very unique Divine Light into the world.Receive Healing as Light Emerges
Relax and Be Nourished
We will connect with the light of your divine self which facilitates the healing and evolution enfolded within your being, and helps you feel more connected with your wise, caring inner self. You need do nothing but relax and enjoy. Most people experience this healing as peaceful and gentle. The shifts and changes occur at a very fundamental level. Some people are aware of shifts in the moment and others notice the results later. This is a deeper approach than energy medicine, yet it affects your energy field in dynamic ways.
You may find deep relief from inward conflict and stress, find clarity in place of confusion or experience a new kind of peace. This transformation is very fundamental, so you may be pleasantly surprised by the specific changes and inner growth that occur.Become a Healing Presence as Your Light Emerges
Personal and Professional Value
Your unique Healing Presence emerges as we travel this path of spiritual growth together, so your own access to deep wisdom blossoms as you learn and integrates organically into your personal life and your work. You can receive training to learn how to bring this kind of healing and evolution to other people, personally and professionally. This is a powerful yet non-intrusive approach that allows the soul plan (or blue print) of the individual to emerge naturally so the magic of each being can become a bright light in the world.
Participants Share
about Light Emerging
Kim Harmon
Licensed Practicing Counselor and Empath
I am a licensed professional counselor and empath. I was craving some guidance from someone that could help me find balance, serenity, and a way to better fulfill my purpose in life as a mother and helper to others. I knew I didn’t need “counseling” for this. I needed something deeper and spiritual.
I also knew that because of my empathic nature and ability to minimize, I needed someone that I felt safe and connected with that could “get” me and help me understand myself more.A friend and colleague recommended Amy. She was just the person I needed. When I'm irritable and tired, my sessions shift me to a whole different place where I have access to more love and happiness in my heart. I just wish I could bottle that up and drink it every day!
The phone sessions are also a lovely bonus because they allow me to be more open and vulnerable with the convenience of being at the office, at home or out in nature where I feel more connected. That removes anxiety and eliminates any feelings of being self-conscious.
Amy truly has been a blessing and a light in my life that's helped me create a path to peace and to better serve my family, clients, and most importantly myself. To connect with her is to connect with someone who emits unconditional love and acceptance while providing clarity and direction.
Debbie Malloy
Licensed Practicing Counselor
I've experienced so much healing in the moment with Amy that it is hard for me to grasp and put into words. It is truly something that has to be felt! I feel gentle guidance toward an awareness that validates my feelings and is in perfect alignment with the nature of my soul. In one session, the complete understanding of why I held two conflicting limiting truths helped me integrate that into one simple truth. That moment healed a defense mechanism that no longer served a purpose for me. I'm so much more empowered and at peace in relationships that have been difficult for me in the past.
Thank you Amy!
With gratitude!
Healing the Deep Root
Getting Unstuck
Freedom At Last!
Sometimes we feel stuck in a habit or pattern that doesn't "let us go" even though we've done everything we can think of to shift it (or sometimes we just can't bring ourselves to make the change). We may keep experiencing similar situations over and over, but can't see the cause. When these things happen it's almost certain there's more to the challenge than you can see - you might see the "glacier above the water" but there's an even bigger part hidden "underneath the ocean"!
There may be a "collective aspect", meaning something that's been carried in your family or cultural lineage for a long time, or perhaps has been carried through many lifetimes and so has become rooted deeply in your being. This can create a "stuck place' that you've been unable to overcome regardless of your best efforts. Maybe the problem shows up in health, relationships, profession, finance, how you feel about yourself or just how you feel inside. This often results in anger, shame, frustration or depression.
These kinds of problems can affect any area of life, and often cause us to feel a sense of intense loss and separation, or numbness. That sense of displacement and emptiness may also result in compulsive behaviors around food, work, money, relationships or toxic substances - things that keep us chained to consequences we don't want and don't deserve.
Many people feel a powerful call to become healing vessels or spiritual leaders, but when a "collective soul" (the family or culture you live in) doesn't create a clear or valued avenue to express that beauty, a person can feel deeply disconnected, disenfranchised, empty or depressed. Or you find yourself always using your gifts to hold space for the needs of others, while yours go unmet. You need help finding pathways that will nourish the inner garden of your personal needs, special essence and unique expression. Then you are fully capable of bringing all you are to others you want to support.
This approach is powerful conduit for becoming more rooted in your inner heart and wisdom. Then you feel supported and beloved exactly as you are in this moment, while still deepening your roots and blossoming into the whole being you're meant to become.
Participants Share
about Healing Stuck Places
Graduate Student
I had some feelings that put a wedge between me and my family, and depression started to get in the way of my goals. I'm very driven to be successful in my profession, and it was tearing me apart when I got so depressed that I couldn't focus or study anymore. When I connected with Amy, we uncovered some deep feelings I had about being not only a woman, but an African-American woman. I saw how these feelings had been passed down through my family based on terrible experiences my ancestors had in this country (and reinforced by my own experiences), and also some betrayals they experienced before they even left their original homelands!
It was painful to walk through, but afterward I felt so clear and spacious. I could dig into the strength and bravery of my grandmothers all the way back, and for the first time I knew in my bones they were backing me! Now when I start to feel scared or helpless, I call on my grandmothers and I can feel their strength seeping into my cells. Amy calls it "dis-enfranchisement" and says when we feel disconnected from the power of our ancestral lineage it weakens us. I didn't know what to think of that at first, but now I get it - I really get it now!Lynn
Energy Healer and Spiritual Guide
I've worked with clients for 23 years as an energy healer and spiritual guide. Recently I asked Amy's help with a pattern that kept surfacing no matter how much work I had done around the issue. In just one session, Amy helped me to see the root cause and I felt a huge lightness and healing. Since then, I've been able to respond in a balanced way rather than react to this situation that would have triggered a strong reaction in the past. I've even experienced humor and laughter in the face of the situation instead of hurt or anger or fear as I had before. Amy is a powerful conduit for Divine Grace and offers great compassion and wisdom in her sessions.
Corporate Trainer and Mom
My body kept twisting a certain way and just wouldn't hold the correct alignment for even a whole day. I had pain and couldn't dance or do a lot of my favorite yoga poses anymore, and I started to feel really old. My chiropractor suggested I meet with Amy to see if there was some kind of underlying problem that needed to be addressed on an emotional or spiritual level.
In our first session, we found a belief that's been carried in my family for a long time. I felt held in a deeply sacred space as we explored, and after the session I felt sad and weepy for a couple of days. The second night after that I woke up when my hips moved into alignment, right in the middle of the night! When I got up in the morning I was standing and walking in a balanced way and my back muscles were relaxed for the first time in years. This time it's held for two weeks already!
I had been feeling so tired and angry, and that's been gradually dropping away too. The very best thing is that my daughter told me she feels more comfortable talking to me now - I didn't realize how much my pain and tension had been alienating her. And I love that my friends tell me I look younger now that my face is more relaxed!
Tailoring Your Personal Journey
The Healing Approach You Need Will Emerge in Each Session.
You Never Have to Decide or "Figure it Out"!
You move at your own pace
so the journey matches your personal rhythm.
Exploration Session
One-Time Ninety-Minute Session
For those who want to explore with me
for the very first time.
This meeting lets us get to know each other and see whether this is a good fit. I will listen deeply to what you want and what has been getting in your way, so I can offer compassionate support and solid ideas to help you find the 'next steps' you're ready to take.
This is an actual session, where you will have the opportunity to explore, grow and gain more knowledge and understanding of your goals and next steps to reach them.
Emergence Journey
Three 90-minute Sessions
You're ready for something new in life.
$125 per Session
$375 Total
Your inner self and outer actions begin to align with your deeper longing so you naturally begin to move toward what you want. Healing and awakening allow your being to organically emanate harmonized energies that resonate with what you most want to experience and create.
This journey is most effective when all three sessions are completed within three to six weeks.
Momentum Journey
Six 90-minute Sessions
When you're ready to bloom!
$125 per Session
or $650 Paid in Advance
Your journey gains momentum in the direction you want to move, and you begin to blossom in the ways most meaningful and important to you. Your inner and outer worlds reflect transformation and integration, and deep nourishment feeds your heart, body and soul.
The Momentum journey is most effective when
sessions are completed within six weeks
to three months
(meet weekly or about every 10 days).Mastery Journey
Nine 90-minute Sessions
You've decided to create the life
you've always secretly wanted.
$125 per Session
or $900 Paid in Advance
Nine sessions help you to align your physical being, feelings, thoughts and spiritual truth so you are awash in an internal environment of clarity and nourishment. Your outer world becomes more and more aligned with what you truly desire, so you find deeper peace and are encompassed within a more deeply resonant life.
This journey is most effective when
sessions are completed within ten weeks
to four months
(Meet weekly to every other week).
Ever-Evolving Journey
Answer the Call of Your Soul
About Amy
My Background Includes:
- Master’s Degree in Psychology:
State University of West Georgia - Board Certified Coach:
Nationally Recognized CCE - Founder: Healing Presence:
An Original Spiritual Healing Approach - Ancient and Contemporary Methods
of Healing and Awakening - Energy Medicine and Mind-body Health
- Graduate: Values-Centered
Business Development Programs
- Private Practice since 1997
- Sessions offered by phone across the United States.
The heart transcends gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation
and spiritual tradition. Standing Rooted welcomes all
who honor truth and love.- Master’s Degree in Psychology:
Contact Amy
I would be honored to support your dreams
and help resolve your challenges.
I will respond personally to your confidential message below.
© 2019